Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sending Prayers out to Lieberman

The disloyalty of party members does not go unnoticed. There has been a public response recently to Lieberman’s decision that he has, “No other choice,” but to stop the public option.

Many of his constituents of Connecticut made it known recently that Lieberman is not making their own beliefs represented. An interfaith committee led by clergy members including Priests, Rabbis, and Imams formed a procession to publicize the need for a public option, and Lieberman’s ‘moral’ duty to support this legislation.

About 500 members of Lieberman’s home town of Stamford, CT formed a procession from Stamford High School to Senator Lieberman’s house where they were greeted by police but continued to chant and ‘send their prayers’ out the Lieberman.

These religious leaders feel that, “Health care is a fundamental right,” and by not providing coverage to those in need is a moral offense.

It is certainty understood that every one has their own agenda. Lieberman says he doesn't want to pass the public option because he thinks it is a reckless financial decision that will put America deeper into the recession. What Lieberman does not address though is that health care costs are rapidly rising and will soon be unaffordable to a large population of Americans.

Its apparent that these clergy members who organized this demonstration don't have a secret political/financial agenda for themselves. Their jobs are to serve the people and they were trying to elicit a call of action to Lieberman to do the same for the people that he serves.

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