Monday, November 16, 2009

Lieberman left with "No other Choice"

Last post was about a politician who crossed a party line to support a bill that he felt was a “decision of conscience” for his constituents. This entry focuses on the same commotion, but on the other side of the equation.

Senator Joseph Lieberman, an Independent from Connecticut who has had a longstanding affiliation with the Democratic Party has been causing waves recently with his decision to oppose public option of health care reform.

In an interview with Cybercast News Service Lieberman said he had, “No other choice” but to filibuster the health care bill that includes the public option. Lieberman comments that he supports health care reform, but thinks the public option would be worse financially for Americans and would put it citizens deeper in the recession.

People are worrying that the public option’s premiums would be higher on average than private insurance premiums. But we forgot in all of this mess that the public option is an option meaning, you can stick with what you have if you think it works for you.

When I was watching the Congressional hearings on November 7th that eventually passed, I noticed the rhetoric of Republicans that were debating with the democrats was that the bill was “job killing” and detrimental to America. As a citizen I would like to see the terms the reasoning behind the decisions of both the Democrats and Republicans, instead of being caught up in sensational bureaucratic idioms.

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